Social Distancing and Self Isolation
That’s a hot topic, isn’t it? It’s our reality right now, we ought to prevent the spread of a contagious disease by maintaining a physical distance between people and reducing the number of times people come into close contact with each other. (source Wikipedia)
I hope you’re reading this from home.
Forgive me if I chose the wrong time to say this, but, don’t you agree that a bad mood can be spread? Your lecturer woke up on the wrong side of the bed, rubs a couple of students up the wrong way, students go home or online and take it out on their siblings or parents. (I’m sure this may be a bit of a stretch but you get what I’m saying)
Therefore, if you’re not feeling all that great (psychologically/emotionally) it is imperative that you self isolate. Limit the number of people you are exposed to (or are exposed to you) if possible so don’t spread your “bad vibes”.
The more people you interact with when you’re in a foul mood, the more you’ll get upset or stand a chance to make others upset. Worst case scenario, it could end like this.
I’m not saying abandon all your duties for the sake of staying away from people whom you could potentially lash out on. You still need to go to school (or be present for that meeting on Hangouts) you still need to work or respond in the group chat and this could mean you HAVE to talk to people, keep your cool though and when you’re no longer obligated to be there DISAPPEAR until you are in a better frame of mind.
There is another type of distancing and isolation I’d like to mention and this requires you to call to mind what happens during roadworks and refurbishment and construction of buildings. If you live under a rock here’s the answer: there is yellow tape or red and white tape that indicates that you must not cross that line because you could risk falling into a hole or having a brick fall onto your noggin. There may be written signs for that matter, or an image of a shovel and rocks. That building or road is cut off, isolated from civilians until it has been completed and rendered safe for people to use that path or building again.
I’m hoping you get the picture now. Sometimes as people we’re separated from other people during different seasons of our lives so the Sweet Architect (God) can work on us in a unique way.
(By the way please listen to that song by Emeli Sande its top tier)
As I was saying, its something that only you can be present for (you are the road or building in this example and God is the builder) so do not fear being alone, embrace it because you have no idea what God may be doing in your life.
It is much easier to do home repairs when the house isn’t full, imagine trying to put tiles in your kitchen when your extended family has come over for a family gathering and NaSibongile and NaThemba are trying to cook in there.
I think that is the same principle, you need solitude and a quiet environment in order to hear God’s voice and to get your repairs done.
I have had many instances in my very short life of seventeen years where I found myself all alone as far as humans were concerned and in those times that’s when I discovered some really life changing things and realised that my house wasn’t in order.
(Did you observe that wordplay – building, construction, house in order?)
Now we’re coming back to earth, we are on lockdown. We’ve all been stopped dead in our tracks by this pandemic, working from home, E-learning and livestreaming sermons as an alternative for going to church. You undoubtedly have more time in your hands and you have been physically separated from the world, what is it that God is trying to build in your life?
“,,do not fear being alone, embrace it because you have no idea what God may be doing in your life.” Amen! I have a feeling He’s doing a work in all of us. People talk about getting back to “the way things were,” but I don’t think that will ever happen. At least I HOPE we will never be the same again.
Zothile Zulu
This is surely a divine perspective! I hope we will never be the same again too.
I’m okay with spending time alone, but I do miss hugs. Meanwhile, yes, stuff is getting done which I often don’t fine time for. That’s good. Take care of you. Muriel
Zothile Zulu
Very true. Thanks Muriel?
parikhit dutta
Beautifully written ? Faith and hope until the power above makes the world a much better place for each of us.
Zothile Zulu
Thank you, the world becomes much better when we have faith and hope ?